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Are you ready to join a tribe of epic manifestors?

Become a member of The God Mode Mastermind to upgrade your mindset, surround yourself with high-vibe ambitious creators, and uplevel in the video game of life.

What is the God Mode Mastermind?

The God Mode Mastermind is a community of epic creators on a mission to grow, evolve, and step into the greatest version of themselves.Every week, you'll get access to weekly mastermind calls that inspire and energize you, workshops with guest speakers, Q&A coaching sessions with James, access to an amazing community, and much more.Are you ready to join a mastermind of like-minded souls and uplevel your personal growth?

  • Access to Unlock God Mode: Full access to my bestselling course, Unlock God Mode, to upgrade your mindset, belief systems, and models of reality

  • Weekly live mastermind calls that inspire you, energize you, and uplevel your mindset

  • Workshops with guest speakers on manifestation, success, abundance, and psychedelics

  • Connection in a community of epic, ambitious creators who encourage and support you in your goals

  • Powerful discussions on manifestation, goals, success, time management, and upleveling in the video game of life

  • Regular Q&A group coaching sessions with James, where you'll receive aligned solutions to your challenges

  • Accountability on your goals from other members of the community

  • And much more! :)

Who It's For

The God Mode Mastermind is for epic creators who:• like to be challenged
• love to work on their personal growth
• understand the power of their mind
• are students of consciousness and reality creation
• love exploring the mysteries of the Universe
• love connecting with other like-minded souls
• have taken the Unlock God Mode course :)

FAQWhen are the mastermind calls?Every Sunday at 8am Eastern Time.I will also be adding new calls (such as the Q&A sessions) at different times throughout the week, so no matter which time zone you're in, you'll be able to attend.What are the Q&A sessions?Q&A sessions are 1-hour group coaching calls with James (me!) to help you with your goals. Members can bring any challenge or question to the call and get coaching, advice, and solutions for their challenge.Will the workshops with guest speakers be recorded?Yes. All guest speaker workshops will be recorded and accessible to you during your membership. I do recommend attending live if you can, so you can ask questions and get maximum value from it.Can I cancel my membership if I need to?You can cancel your membership at any time.

Ready to begin?

Join me for the epic vibes, the amazing souls, the potent downloads, and the weekly upgrades: